TSI Western Isles

The support, development and representation of local community groups, voluntary organisations, social enterprises and volunteering

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Voice of the Sector



Would you like to get involved and say THANK YOU to your volunteers?

Would you like to get involved and say THANK YOU to your volunteers?

This Volunteers’ Week, Volunteer Centre Western Isles are encouraging everyone to take the time to say ‘Thank You’ to all our volunteers across the Western Isles. Do you know a volunteer that has made a difference or could do with a thank you for all that they do?

We would like to help your group/organisation say a huge THANK YOU to all the wonderful volunteers on our islands.

Say a huge THANK YOU to your volunteers this Volunteers Week 1 – 7th June Find out more: https://www.volunteersweek.scot

#VolunteersWeekScot #tsiwesternisles #VolunteeringWI