Emergency Funding
Emergency funding has become available to support organisations through the COVID-19 pandemic. See below for some useful links.

Third Sector Resilience Fund
Delivered by Firstport, Social Investment Scotland and the Corra Foundation
Charities/Community Groups/Social Enterprises/Voluntary Organisations
Priority given to those most at risk and in need of IMMEDIATE help
Maximum grant: £100,000
To be eligible, organisations must be:
- a charity, social enterprise or voluntary organisation based in Scotland and/or primarily delivering services/activities in Scottish communities;
- already delivering those products or services prior to March 2020;
- and needing funding to stabilise cashflows directly as a result of the impact of COVID-19, as opposed to pre-existing financial difficulties
Well Being Fund
90k for TSI Capacity
Scottish Government Fund
The Scottish Government’s Wellbeing Fund will support organisations across the third sector that are providing important services for people as a result of coronavirus.
Community Response, Recovery and Resilience Fund
Delivered by Foundation Scotland. Also known as RRR
To provide immediate funding to support constituted community groups and charities that are responding to the coronavirus pandemic in their local community.
Resilient Communities Fund – North of Scotland
Delivered by Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks
The grant can be utilised for community-based responses to supporting those who are social isolating or social distancing
Creative Scotland
National Lottery Funds
Creative Scotland have launched three funding programmes designed to provide further support to sustain the country’s creative community during the COVID-19 outbreak:
National Lottery Community Fund
Will prioritise:
- Organisations supporting people who are at high risk from COVID-19
- Organisations supporting communities most likely to face increased demand and challenges as a direct result of COVID-19
- Organisations with high potential to support communities with the direct and indirect impact of COVID-19