As the Third Sector Interface (TSI) for the Western Isles, we promote volunteering and help organisations and community groups to recruit volunteers through our support for volunteer-involving organisations, our volunteer drop-in and website.
If you would like to have a chat about volunteering or would like help to find volunteer opportunities for you, please contact us at the Volunteer Centre Western Isles.
You can also use the search on our website www.volunteercentrewi.org to find a volunteering opportunity.
Giving your time can benefit your community… yet it’s a whole lot more than that!
In return for your time, commitment and enthusiasm, volunteering offers great opportunities to meet other people, develop new interests and have fun.
We can:
- Support you to find a volunteering opportunity
- Match you to a volunteer role within local and national organisations
- Offer you any support you may need throughout your volunteering
- Explain more about volunteer awards you may be able to register for volunteering can be done from home, in your community or further afield
You can volunteer as a one-off, from home or on a regular basis – there’s something for everyone! Our services are free and confidential.
If your organisation or community group involves volunteers, we can provide you with support and advice in a range of ways.
Whether you need help with volunteer recruitment or management, or you are considering involving volunteers in your organisation for the first time and don’t know where to start, we are here to help.
We have 4 offices in Lewis, Harris, Uist and Barra.
Please visit our website, email info@volunteercentrewi.org or phone our Volunteer Centre Western Isles main office on 01851 700366 for more information.